Thursday, June 30, 2005

Choff ?

Am na choff? This is a question my new friend Papa asked me that caused me to really laugh hard. When you are greeting people here many times they ask "Where is your husband?" I get to tell them about my fiance Bennett Sanderson, and I show them pictures too. They then ask me, "Am na choff?" which translates here to "Is he a big fish?" Let me remind you that I live on the beach in Africa, and fishing here is life. They eat fish for almost every meal, and they smell fish all day long. So now when people ask me where my husband is I am able to tell them "Am na choff." He's a big fish or as we would say "Great Catch."

On a serious note, please continue praying for the people here. I see the effects of prayer, and I am very encouraged. For example, two people on my team have been building a relationship with a couple of guys from here both named Alhasan, and they came to church with them on Tuesday night and were asking some great questions.

As for me, I am still teaching English and visiting the families of my students. One group of boys shows up at our door every morning even though their class only meets twice a week. They are eager to learn or maybe just hang out. Please pray for Lamine, Issa, and Sewrou (just a few of our students). Please pray for me too as the heat is really here, and it is easy to get tired, frustrated, and discouraged. Pray that my faith would increase and that I would know God more. I love all of you. Thanks again for your prayers.


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